e hënë, 2 korrik 2007

Kevin is. Kevin lives.

kevin's birthday is july 3rd, which is todayish.

kevin, you're a darn fine fellow. so "eat some steak, have some chicken, but don't write that book". he's pretty much my favorite person on the planet. like i love kevin even more than randy newman.

tonight we're going to a meat restaurant at kevin's request. for his special birthday, kevin is giving himself the gift of alienating all of his vegetarian friends.

oh, kevin, i love you madly, i would never skin you and wear you, happy birthday bunny!

update: i fried bacon all morning so kevin would have good dreams and wake up happy, folded his undies and put a long stem rose on them. and got him some blue flowers (because he's a boy, duh). and some daisies, because they're slutty.
tonight's gonna be insane.

9 komente:

Unknown tha...

lets get drunk
love drunk but i hope that feels the same way liquor drunk
lets drink love

alliboo cream stunner tha...

you're my star. i got the bloodlust, let's kill.

Jaguarman tha...

"a meat restaurant" sounds kinda gay. like gay meaning happy and joyous. happy and joyous birthday SONIC haha

Arcade Coalminerson tha...

well kevin decided to alienate all his veg friends for his birthday. it's the present he gave himself.

floaty tha...

happy birthday kevin! meat is delicious, you have great taste. i think you should get started on those seeds tonight. doctor's orders.

Anonim tha...

kevin i love you!!! my life is so wack right now and i havent been online bc its rare that i have internet rt now and ive barely been at work so i havent seen poor bloggy either in a minute. this blog will be jumping again once august hits, ill be fulltime blogging here again with my girls. kevin i love your tiny little ass and the way it moves when its next to me in bed and when jps on the floor. do you love "meat"!? yeah you do. miss you and all the fun!! have the best bday ever. love, stun stun

Unknown tha...

happy birthday kev! i'm a day late. and a few dollars short. but... i'm so happy you exist and are you and are my special friend's special man. you've always been so funny.

Unknown tha...

thanks ladies and keith

Anonim tha...

the title would be much cooler if it said KEVIN'S HERE, KEVIN'S QUEER