e enjte, 31 maj 2007

A Note On My Tastes

besides being "similar to chicken", my tastes range from the erudite to the classically juvenile. Par Exampley, i just finished reading a novel, i guess, called "Necklace of Kisses". I had to go to the Young Adults section of barnes n borders to get it. there as, with wide eyes, i flipped through the pages, two pre-teenage girls giggled and pushed each other behind me and i am pretty sure i heard the word "blow job" a couple times and then the inevitable giggles.
i was there, i belonged with them, but i wasn't laughing. blow jobs are very serious to me at this point in my life.
and the worst part is, i feel no sense of shame about owning this book, in fact, i'm blogging publicly about it right now. Francesca Lia Block may not deserve to be compared to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, as she was on the cover review done by the suspiciously titled "Time Out", but she did teach me the word jacaranda, as in the pretty purple trees i've only seen growing in los angeles, and that's more than i can say for authors who didn't write The Weetzie Bat Series with a character called Secret Agent Lover Man.
But i WAS disappointed that this 'novel' didn't hold the classic author's picture where she's totally airbrushed in a gossamer gown with a wind machine pumpin' magic at the lens. but you can't have everything i suppose.

--dr. honey homunculus and her orchestra, m.d.

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

my wife everyone!