e premte, 1 qershor 2007

Don't get involved while I pump gas.

I slept in due to a 9:15 meeting i had to be at which was out of the office, so instead of being here at 8am I'm her at 10:30am. Awesome right? No i fucking hate everyone. First of all I didn't even leave the house until 9:25 and it takes me about 20 minutes to get there not to mention I'm taking business casual to a whole other level today bc im not in the mood for this shit. Someone find me a job that will yell at me for these things that I do because I can't find one and I know this isn't realistic. I'm gonna be screwed some day. Anyway on my way to this meeting I realized I had no gas as usual so I had to stop. I was waiting in line for gas and had to make a phone call to work to get a phone number to call my meeting to tell them i was hella late. So im on the phone and some old lady knocks on my passenger side window and I'm screw facing her like WTF do you want?!?! So she's like hi there's a pump open over there, uh ok thanks. Who the fuck does that?!? Someone who is old going home to pick weeds and watch Regis and Kelly, that's who. So I start pumping gas and im on the phone which i never do while pumping gas but i wasnt thinking about that bc i was making work calls so this other old bitch comes up to me and goes (mind you everyone pumping gas stopped and looked at this....silence), "Excuse me I don't mean to get involved in your business but I hear that pumping gas while on the cell phone......" So thats when i cut her off "are you fucking kidding me, thats why you came over....great thanks you can go back to pumping gas into your piece of shit car BITCH." I couldnt even look at her after my initial dirty look as she approached me. My disgust for the human being in the morning just gets worse when this kinda shit happens. Then I got in my car and some dude was all hey whats going on where you going and i thought of driving my car into everyone and their gas pump then throwing a match. Is that wrong? I don't think so but im sayin there must be something wrong with me because I find all of the above people unacceptable and my reactions pretty right on. No one wants to talk to your stay at home ass at 9am Friday morning. Take notes and mind your business. xo Stunrah

2 komente:

Arcade Coalminerson tha...

i love when you get all worked up, wifey.

Arcade Coalminerson tha...

so much love for the "uh ok thanks"